Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Crazy One

Wandering the streets of Sunyani is a young man everyone refers to a "the crazy one".  He is very dark, with a slight build, yet sinewy and slender.  He has a wild mane of hair that resembles Bob Marley's dredlocks that have been through a windstorm.  His eyes are distant and he usually carries either a small rag or a small black plastic bag.  He is completely naked--not a stitch of clothes.  We see him everywhere -- downtown, on the side of the road, sitting on a curb, under a tree or simply walking down the road.

I am told he was a brilliant young college student who got caught up in the drug scene and literally fried his brain.  Now he wanders, homeless, naked and always alone.  I immediately began a crusade to "help" the crazy one. I was discussing all of the things we needed to do with the missionaries, when our Elder McFarland from New Zealand interupted.  Elder McFarland is huge,  well over 6 feet, islander-looking young man , who has a quick wit, doesn't say much, but when he does, everyone listens.

"Sistuh Thayne," he began, "what is it you want to do?"  I explained that we needed to get him a place to live, and make certain he has food and get him some clothes.  "Sistuh Thayne", he said again. "This fella's a happy soul.  All of the people give him food every day.  He doesn't have to work.  He doesn't care about a house."

"But we need to get him some clothes and help him," I interjected. 


"So he won't get cold", and then I stopped and realized how absolutely stupid I sounded.  It's for certain the crazy one will never freeze to death or even be cold in Sunyani.  It's always 85 to 88 degrees, and not much cooler at night.  He seems totally contented with his lot in life and the people on the street don't even seem to notice his nakedness.  Perhaps he is happy as Elder McFarland observed.  I am learning that not everyone in the world marches to the same drummer, and maybe that's OK.  Now, whenever we pass the crazy one, I don't even mind the nudity, and I just smile and hope that he is truly happy today.

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